avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
As I see it, that quote from Justice Clarence Thomas
applies very well to many of those running for President these days just as it
applies to a multitude of Americans who spinelessly let politicians at all
levels get away with poll-driven “criticism avoidance campaigns.”
Justice Thomas gave a
courageous speech on February 13, 2001 at the Francis Boyer Lecture for the
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C.
entitled “Be Not Afraid.” http://www.aei.org/boyer/thomas.htm The
gist of his message was that we must not be afraid to stand up for what we know
is right despite the criticism from the self-proclaimed guiding elite or
politically correct of the age. In
fact, personal courage in defense of truth is our sacred and civic duty as shown
by the spirit of our founders in those summer months of 1776.
This is a message
particularly close to my heart for it’s one that I’ve written about many
times. I refer to this as having
the courage
of your convictions. Displaying that courage in today’s America where
deceit, hypocrisy, image and creeping socialism seem to rule the day in many
sectors of our society isn’t easy—but neither was the task taken on by our
forefathers of establishing a free and independent nation.
It’s been said that freedom is never free—I agree.
I would add that not only is it never free, it’s never easy.
No matter the depths
of political hypocrisy and deceit, particularly as seen every election year,
we’ve got to remain true to our ideological principles and demonstrate the
courage of our conviction to truth and those solid ideals that gave birth to
Regardless of the
criticism, we can’t surrender to what we know is wrong just because it may be
the path of least resistance and thus reduce the heat of criticism.
Keep in mind the source of that criticism is oft times liars and
hypocrites. Do we seek their
acceptance so much as to compromise our core beliefs, values and convictions in
order to gain the promise of their favor? I
hope not.
Hypocrisy and deceit
may own center stage on the liberal side of
Hypocrisy, by its
very nature, is built on a foundation of lies, as was the
Standing strong in
the face of public pressure to cave in and compromise principle is a difficult
test of personal fortitude, commitment and character but it must be done if we
are to survive a free nation as originally intended.
Surrendering to lies is a shallow victory but standing up for truth is
the strength of character which runs deep.
In today’s modern
I would like to see a
growing wave of unified millions unapologetically state for ALL to hear
our conviction to such truths as:
are the tools of freedom, not of evil and the phrase “…shall not be
infringed” means exactly that. |
liberalism is merely re-packaged socialism, communism and fascism disguised
in rhetorical images of government promised security—the total antithesis
of colonial traditionalism and wholly unacceptable to us.
do not apologize for nor will we ever deny the fact that it was those who
fervently sought divine guidance that founded |
a sovereign nation with our own language, traditions and culture and we will
never apologize to anyone for our efforts in protecting and sustaining that
sovereignty. |
If I
could make only one change in our social fabric today it would be to
encourage all Americans to be unapologetic vanguards of our traditional
principles. Fervent as were the
founders in those beliefs that created this country and made her strong;
reaffirming truth from all points on America’s compass, standing tough and
never backing down in the face of hypocrisy, deceit, distortion or political
Now is always the
best time to make that stand because the strength of character in
The strongest
soldiers I ever knew or read about were uncompromising men of Godly conviction;
those who had both strength of character and fervor—and the fortitude to stand
boldly and defiantly against evil in defense of those principles.
“Truth above
all” should be our guidepost—unafraid and boldly stated by
As the Bible
reassures in Matthew 11:18, “Time will prove where wisdom lies” and
it must lie within us to know the truth and the courage to defend it and live
it. As a people, we must
live by the courage of our convictions if we’re to remain a morally strong,
free and independent nation and live at peace with ourselves.
The challenge for us
is to go confidently from our place in history armed with truth, as did our
founders from their place in history—undeterred, unapologetic, unswerving and
uncompromising. I’d urge all to
experience and generate the strength, excitement and freedom that truth in the
face of treachery brings to those who live by the courage of their convictions.
Draw your strength
and courage from that Spirit of ’76 and once having taken up the reins of
defending, restoring and upholding
the view from my saddle…
Contact Colonel Dan: coloneldan@bellsouth.net