I can no longer tolerate the GOP’s disgraceful lack of
principle and outright hypocrisy. I
have therefore officially resigned from the Republican Party.
Here’s why.
Such is my case with the GOP.
On the positive side, Bush brought personal morality back to the White
House, has been an effective war time President and for now, has slowed the all
out assault on the II Amendment. For
this, I applaud him and his team.
However, the negative side of the Republican scale is
heavily weighed down by serious failures to stand firm on principle, serious
dereliction of duty and hypocrisy.
Although my voter registration card indicated Republican, I
am much more of an independent constitutionalist.
I could have “un-registered” numerous times and aligned my voter card
with my ideology but I just delayed getting around to it.
I delayed in 1995 when the GOP took control of Congress for
the first time in 40 years and we heard bold promises of change.
Despite the rhetoric about smaller government and replacing the income
tax, government expanded and income taxes became even more complex!
I delayed resigning again when a Republican was elected
president but look what happened.
A Republican education bill increased funding 11% for the
unconstitutional Department of Indoctrination, a.k.a. Department of Education.
A Republican president signed the USA/Patriot Act after it
passed the Senate 98-1, and the House 356-66, giving government the power to
install the carnivore e-mail snooping system without a court warrant.
Under a Republican administration, airport security was
federalized and Gestapo-like screening tactics implemented.
Bush told the world we would go after terrorists wherever
they were, yet we pressure
Then on 14 March our Republican president committed 5
billion of your tax dollars to the war on global poverty—an international
version of Lyndon Johnson socialism.
The final burr under my saddle was the GOP disregard for
the Constitution in two major ways: On-going failure to secure our borders and
Campaign Finance Reform.
This Republican administration has failed to effectively
enhance border security even after 9.11. Recently,
it even prevented the National Guardsmen patrolling that border from being
adequately armed because they wanted to avoid sending an “undiplomatic
message” to
Such neglect clearly says that
Campaign Finance Reform passed both houses and Bush signed
it even though it’s “flawed in some areas” as he said.
Yes sir Mr. President it sure is flawed!
Besides not complying with any of the principles you specified in a
letter to Trent Lott, it clearly violates the Constitution you swore an oath to
uphold. So why then did you sign
Our Constitution was clearly subordinated to political
expediency and this “new tone” of yours.
‘Politics over Principle’ is standard operating procedure with the
Democrats but it’s also clear that’s the theme and substance of this “new
tone” as well. ‘Go along to get
along and to hell with the Constitution’ is the same old tone we’ve seen in
Despite how the Supreme Court may finally rule on Campaign
Finance Reform or how our border situation ultimately turns out, when those
sworn to uphold our Constitution can’t be trusted to do so, it tells me a lot
about them and we’ve been cautioned about such folks:
“If you can trust a man in little things, you can also
trust him in greater; while anyone unjust in a slight matter is also unjust in
greater.” ~ Luke 16:10 ~
Although their rhetoric proclaims more freedom and less
government, facts clearly show the GOP isn’t really interested in standing
firm in defense of and preserving
As most now realize about our major parties, the
Republicans are nothing more than miniature Democrats.
While the Democrats are clearly “SOCIALISTS”, the Republicans are
merely “socialists.”
Don’t take this as surrender or dropping out on my part.
I’ll remain decisively engaged and fight for the principles of colonial
traditionalism through my writing. After
all, I’m still 100% American and a son of my colonial forefathers.
I’ll just not be officially registered as a member of any party where
principles and the Constitution are so easily ignored, blatantly stepped on and
repeatedly compromised.
I can accept compromise on style [technique] but I can’t
accept compromise on principle and our Constitution is the very foundation of
As Thomas Jefferson put it, "In matters of style, swim
with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
With extremely rare exception, the Republicans never stand
like rocks on anything and are thus untrustworthy guardians of
Personally, I don’t care for any party, Republican or
otherwise, where principle is negotiable, lip service is paid to the
Constitution, sacred oaths are ignored, and
I’ve had my fill of disingenuous politicians, ulterior
motives, incremental socialism, sacred duties neglected, constitutionality
ignored and sworn oaths brushed aside.
The GOP has violated my trust for the last time.
Since I will always choose Christ’s teachings and
Note: This isn’t intended to persuade anyone to follow me out of camp.
Just the view from my saddle…
Colonel Dan: coloneldan@bellsouth.net